Phil Dog Website

May 2005 -
July 2006.

Philly and Sadie get their first new web page in a couple of years. Philly has become a popular My Space page and now has over 50 friends on the site.

Philly1 (97K) Philly sits for his portrait on May 7, 2005

Philly2 (95K)
It's Philly's older sister Sadie. Photo shot on June 26, 2006.

Philly3 (81K) It's Phillipe and Philly on June 26, 2006.

Philly4 (66K) It's Phil and Philly on February 20, 2006.

Philly5 (70K)
It's Philly's first owner Rosa on the same day as above.

Philly6 (88K) Philly goes after the ball (left) as Sadie watches.
Photo was shot on Nov. 9, 2005.

Philly7 (39K) Philly has the ball as Sadie walks toward the camera.
Photo was shot on Nov. 9, 2005.

Philly10 (96K) Philly enjoys watching the ducks at the neighborhood park.

Philly11 (88K)
Philly and Sadie enjoy chillin' together at Buchanan Park.

Philly12 (93K) Philly likes to sit on the hill at the park and watch over everything.

Philly13 (91K) Sadie is much older than Philly. She just likes to sit.

Philly14 (98K) Philly gives me a glance.

Philly15 (87K)
Philly is real friendly and wants to say "hello" to everyone he meets.

Philly15A (96K) Philly loves to run in the park.

Philly16 (72K) Back at the house, Philly spots a treat.

Philly17 (65K) Philly eats the treat.

Philly18 (70K) Boy, was that good!

Philly19 (100K) Man's best friend. It's me (right) and Philly.

Philly20 (94K) Philly licks my face.

Philly21 (70K)
Rosa give Philly a treat. Photo shot on July 9, 2006.

Philly22 (93K) Rosa (right) and her niece Nicole massage Philly.

Philly23 (78K)
It's Phillipe and Philly in front of the house.
This photo was shot on June 25, 2006.

Philly24 (73K) Sadie gives Phillipe a kiss.
This photo was shot on June 25, 2006.

Philly25 (79K) Philly has the last laugh.

Bonus1 (46K)
Philly was only three weeks old when Rosa gave him to us in January 2003.

Bonus2 (19K) I had to bottle feed Philly.

Bonus3 (31K) There was a time when Sadie was actually bigger than Philly. From from January 2003.

Well, that's all folks! Hope you liked the page. If you have any comments or thoughts please feel free to click on to this link and e-mail me at

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